the family tree
One of my favorite things to do on a quiet day is to look at old family photos - they honestly don't even have to be my family photos. I love seeing the world as it was: the clothing styles, the expressions, the parties, the cars, the houses, the pets. All of it. I hope that one day my family portraits will find its way into the hands of someone who appreciates the window into the past as much as I have looking at old black and white prints.
For today's world, I really love capturing family moments. These moments are the most fleeting. Children grow up fast, parents age. This world that we know and love should be celebrated and remembered. Photography is my way of doing that.

senior portraits
Hello Seniors of 2025! Everyone will tell you, this is your year. But, what does that even mean?! It means so much. Excitement of walking the halls for the last time. Nervousness of college applications. Prom dresses, and dinners, and dancing. It's the finale of the 12 years of education, and playing your last sports game, or completing the last year of volunteer work as a youth.
What you may not know yet, is that these photos we take this year are capturing you, right now, as a young adult. Think about the last time you had professional photos taken - were you an awkward teenager? A squishy cute baby? Most likely, the next time you'll have professional photo taken are when you get married or start a career after college. So, let's make your senior portraits the best they can be. Let's go to your favorite spot, wear your favorite clothes, take a picture with your mom or sibling or best friend. Bring your awards. Shine up your car. Bring your guitar. Most of all, let's celebrate YOU.

babies + bellies
Ask me what is my favorite time to photograph a baby and I will without hesitation answer 6 months. I mostly love the expressions - I love the oh-so-serious pout of a baby. I love the rolls. I love being able to sit a baby down on their cute bum and plop mom's favorite stuffy next to them. The newborn stage is also a precious time. Hands so tiny. Lips so soft. And little bellies so round. I like to capture my newborns with lots of white surrounding them, emulating their purity and preciousness. And of course, we cannot forget the celebration of your baby turning ONE! So, why not go out with frosting flying and cake-covered cheeks!

branding + headshots for business
It's never too soon to update your business profile image for your online presence. Styles and contemporary looks change frequently, even your hairstyle and clothing choices. It's important for your online face to reflect who your customers meet in person. I recommend an updated look at least every one to two years.
I love working with family-owned wineries and local entrepreneurs to bring their businesses to life through photography. Photography like this always starts with a consultation and a visit to your businesses prior to the photo-shoot day.
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